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“Sui­cide Guy: Sleepin’ Deeply” is now avail­able on:

In this new chap­ter of “Sui­cide Guy” you’ll be chal­lenged with even more insane puz­zles, gen­er­at­ed by the sur­re­al dreams of the Guy.

You’ll encounter the weird­est of the liv­ing beings as you go deep­er and deep­er into his sub­con­scious. This time to wake him up you’ll need all your skills.

Down­load Press Kit here!


  • 3 to 4 hours of pure game­play set inside Sui­cide Guy’s subconscious
  • A whole new sto­ry with an unex­pect­ed plot twist
  • Physics based levels
  • Ulti­mate moves: able to pick up items, throw them, acti­vate mech­a­nisms and even burp.
  • Fun­ny crea­tures to annoy
  • Vehi­cles to drive

What gamers are saying:

Yes, buy this game it’s the best thing ever, i’ve nev­er had this much fun!heheetu

More Sui­cide guy! If you loved the first one, you’ll love this! More puz­zles to solve, more crazy death, more tro­phies to hunt down. If you haven’t played the orig­i­nal though, go check that out first.Batprince

*Very* fun­ny game, the rid­dles are enter­tain­ing and chal­leng­ing at the same time. Buy it!metafa

I found this lit­tle gem on steam yes­ter­day. I nev­er played the orig­i­nal Sui­cide Guy, so I was present­ly sur­prised when I loaded into this bright and col­or­ful world. This game doesn’t try to be any­thing oth­er than fun and so far I have expe­ri­enced refresh­ing fun.